Need to wake up...... Yawn......

For some reason I am struggling staying awake. Could have something to do with watching 'Nightmare on Elm Street 1,2,3' last night until really late. Going to buy halloween supplies today. Oh the boy I am totally crushing is definately going to the same event as me. Bad news is I checked out losertown and according to that I will not be under 100 kgs by then fuckkkkkkkkkk. Going to buy diuretics next week to take before the event to make sure I don't look all puffy. Cmon girls I need to shed 4.3 kgs in 8 days, How can I do it? Well I hate breakfast I ate it yesterday and then I was hungry all day and ate far too many calories like 1000  and then I b/p. At least I still lost 400 grams. But I need to step it up I need to lose nearly 600 grams a day to get under the 100kgs before the 6th. Well I finally started doing some exercise yesterday but I am so unfit that it was a small amount in the end burned about 271 calories. But it is a start and it is going to be hard while I get used to exercising again. Well enough rambling for me.



  1. that's losing roughly 1 lb a day, it IS do-able, I've done it, but it isn't sustainable (I gained some back). I did it by basically eating 500 calories a day and exercising between 1000 and 1500 (2 to 2.5 hours) EVERY DAY for 10 days. Eating right after a workout means you metabolise right through those calories and they don't get stored. Also, green tea to boost metabolism... Essentially you need to work out what your BMR is, and make sure that intake - (BMR + exercise) ≥ 3500 cals per day to lose a pound every day... it's really hard to do, actually, but if you have the willpower, you should totally go for it!

  2. I think by memory my BMR is 1800. I am going to get back to staying under 350 calories I find if I have more than that I get too hungry. Can you suggest some exercises for me? I have no equipment so I need to be able to do exercises with basic stuff I have at home.


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