Discombobulated !

Must start having early nights or going back to uni is going to kill me. Stayed up til the wee hours of the morning watching supersize vs superskinny. So not sure on this because I need to replace the batteries in my scales but I think I lost 500 grams again. Hate not knowing for sure it makes me feel nervous. Got half my house clean but not until the sun went down it was far to hot before that to do anything but watch pokemon with my son. I do not see today being much different so will relax until it is cooler and then finish my room and bathroom.

Nasimiyu please feel free to lovely :)

Well that's all folks


8th of January 2012
Breakfast: 2 cups of coffee (46)
Lunch: Vegan prawn (aka shrimp) and vegetable stir fry (125), and 3 glasses of an ice tea with pureed fruit (132)
Dinner: Usual soup (124)
Snacks: Half a juice box frozen (57)

None gah

Total net calories: 486


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