Fucking hate everything today!

Woke up and caught sight of myself in the mirror, I am still all sunburnt from yesterday and really bloated gah. I had a bad dream last night where I hopped on the scales and had lost no weight. Well my dream was a hell of a lot kinder then reality somehow I gained 1.2 kgs. I mean wtf I didn't binge yesterday, yes I did eat a lil more but I exercised and still came in with calorie deficits. How did I gain? I just want to crawl into bed and sleep the day away in avoidance but sadly I have to much to do. Well I am too sad to write anymore.


7th of February
Breakfast: None
Lunch: Dairy free mango smoothie (287)
Dinner: Store brought vege soup (118), 1 cup of master cleanse (113)
Snacks: Juice (79), tea's (7)

45 mins moderate pace walking (232), 45 mins swimming leisurely (421)

Total net calories: -49


  1. it's probably just bloating, don't worry too much about it, just stay focused! x

    thank you for the kind comment. it made me feel better about things to have everyone's support!

  2. It probably is the bloat. Don't worry.
    I hope that sunburn heals up soon!



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