Either my scales are shit and don't work properly or my body is punishing me. Yesterday it said I had gained but I only ate 629 calories the day before so I could not believe it, would not believe it. And today they tell me I am back 91 kgs where I was 2 days ago. It is not fair I only ate 488 calories yesterday where is the shift. At first I was like fuck I am hungry I am going to eat whatever I want all day nothing is happening anyway. I was going to start with toast and peanut butter (around 400 cals) and then some noodles (600 cals) and that would have been just breakfast. Calmed myself down and yes I am hungry today and yes I will allow myself to eat a lil more today not sure how much more but will be under 1000 calories. It is day 4 of restricting always a notoriously super hungry day for me but if I succeed in not binging I should start feeling the giddy starving highs. My mother ins't coming down this weekend and as far as I know I am free to restrict until Easter Sunday. This makes me happy. Just hope I start seeing some drops on the scales. I miss my electronic digital ones. Well I am giving up giving up the coffee. I will not be drinking it daily but will have it now and again. I am going to go eat then study for the day.



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