Yay I made it!

Yay under 97 kgs. I am only 8.4 kgs away from one of my major goals which is to get back to what I was when I fell pregnant (88.5). Cannot wait until Christmas is over and I can get back into it all. OMG when I get down to my next major goal weight that will mean I will no longer have an obese BMI, I will be down in the overweight section. Might sound hella scary for a lot of you out there but it is exciting for me. Now I know I will gain a few kgs back over Christmas I just hope that it is not enough to push me back over the 100 kgs mark because I love being in the double digits. Well my mother gets here tonight and I am going to miss blogging and reading blogs as well. I doubt I will be able to check it as she is super needy atm and hangs off me hardcore. Lets just say she isn't coping with independence as well as me. On the plus side catching up with life long family friends next week will be great. Well as this is probably my last post until the 28-29th I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and I hope the time with your families is not to stressful and the food not too terrifying.


20th of December 2011
Breakfast: 2 cups of coffee (2) with 4 tsp of nativa natural sweetener (2) and 2/3 cup of sanitarium so good fat free soy milk (47)
Lunch: 1/2 banana (50), candy cane (50), peach (36)
Dinner: 1/2 cup of V8 vegetable juice (25), 1/2 cup of carrot juice (35), 2 tbsp of tofutti soy cream cheese (60) and 1 tsp of massels reduced salt vegetable stock (4)

Exercise none again grrrrrr so lazy must stop this somehow

Total net calories: 311


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