I wake and stumble into the bathroom. I knock the glass bottle of aromatherapy oil and it falls to the ground and breaks "shit". I clean it up then take a big breath and step on the scale, bracing myself for what I know will either be no loss or a gain. The scale reads 98.1 kgs hmmmm can't be right, I step on the scale again and again but still 98.1 kgs greets me. I am stunned and besides myself. I lost a whole kilo since yesterday. Amazing since I further binged later last night but then purged, could not allow myself sleep with all the fatty oily carb loaded dumplings in my body. I feel a lil crappy today as in unwell as I usually do morning after a purge. Well big day today and totally don't wanna do it but I have to so I will drink my coffee and get ready.
16th December 2011
Breakfast: 3 cups of coffee (4) with 6 tsp nativa natural sweetener (4) and a cup of sanitarium so good fat free soy milk (70).
Lunch: Natures Way Figure Protein Shake mix 1/2 serve 13.5 gms (46), SOG3 1 tsp (30) and 1/2 a banana (63).
Dinner: 2 Pan-fried savory dumplings (522), 1 Chocolate Crackle (141).
Snack: Biscuit (20)
B/P: 2 Pan-fried savory dumplings (522), 2 Chocolate Crackle (282)
Exercise: None :(
Daily total of calories: 1684
16th December 2011
Breakfast: 3 cups of coffee (4) with 6 tsp nativa natural sweetener (4) and a cup of sanitarium so good fat free soy milk (70).
Lunch: Natures Way Figure Protein Shake mix 1/2 serve 13.5 gms (46), SOG3 1 tsp (30) and 1/2 a banana (63).
Dinner: 2 Pan-fried savory dumplings (522), 1 Chocolate Crackle (141).
Snack: Biscuit (20)
B/P: 2 Pan-fried savory dumplings (522), 2 Chocolate Crackle (282)
Exercise: None :(
Daily total of calories: 1684
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