EEEKKKK Exam prep!

Gah my head is not with study right now. But I am forcing it to be. Well pretty good day. My son is so funny he made me laugh so much I was crying. 
Well after this morning's weigh in I was feeling pretty deflated and totally in fuck it mode. I wanted to binge hardcore. What got me through was I ventured into a shoe store to try on shoes. I tried to try on a cute pair of boots that went half way up the calf but couldn't zip them up, then a voice spoke in my head and said "if you binge you'll never be able to get them done up". Oh how I have missed Ana speaking to me it had been two weeks since I had heard anything from her. So today I only consumed 88 kgs.

Well that's all I have to say tonight. Goodnight lovely thin people.


P.S. I felt that tonight called for some reverse thinspo to remind myself what I am running away from and that this is all worth it. Because none of them are sexy.


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