Procrastination is really my my frienemy lol.  Interesting morning though mostly been flirting with someone  surprising on facebook. I don't know why it is surprising we are rather compatible. Anyway's he lives a few states away but it is nice to be flirted with. I am back in the 80's woo. Very pleased that it took me 2 days to gain 2kgs and 2 days to lose them. I must be 87.5kgs by Thursday. I am going to see a show and will be catching up with an old date. The fact we are both going is pure coincidence but we agreed to hang together so that we didn't have to stand alone lol. We have common interests which is why we dated to start with but just no chemistry. Well that is about all excitement I have to share. Oh except that my calorie intake for yesterday was 390. Pretty please with that today will be under 500 calories I predict. Well that is enough nonsense from me I must go study.



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