First exam of the year *dread*

So exam in a few hours gah. Trying not to let the nerves get the better of me light last year. Going to go do yoga in a minute to calm myself. Totally getting back into exercise and loving it. Yesterday I weighed in at 88kg and am ecstatic. I have now finally lost the baby weight and the post baby gain. My body is still disgusting and I will never get my pre-baby body back without surgery but oh well small triumphs. I was in such a good mood that I went for an hour long walk and then came home and did Jillian Micheals 30 day shred workout. So my intake was 349 and I burned 422 leaving me with a defecit of 73 woot. So today's plans are yoga, walk to uni then go to the gym after. Plan on intake being the same. Feels so good to be back on track again. I am going to stick with this until my mum brings my son back for Easter hopefully she will only stay a day. Anyways not going to stress about that right now just going to work hard to get as much off as I can.



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