I fucked up again last night. Damn those hot cross buns. There a only a few left which are for my son which means I am safe from eating them because I won't steal his food. I gained another kg from last nights binge and am now too far back into the 90's for my liking. Today has been hard I am starving and want to binge but I will resist and again tomorrow and the next day for as many days as I need to until the hunger goes again. I feel so desperately lonely lately and come to the sad realization that I might never find love. I miss passion and chemistry and watching twilight and reading the books is not helping but it is nice to escape into them. So strange I hated twilight a mere month ago and now I am addicted to them. I have three exams at the end of next week and cannot find the motivation to study for them, I am going to fail if something doesn't change. I am definitely more depressed since I haven't been exercising this week. I think I will go for an hours walk in the evening tomorrow. Well that is me for now.



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