New Begginings

OK time for action! Turns out one does not lose weight and achieve ones ideal body by consuming 1000's of empty calories whilst sitting on their gigantic asses, I know shocking right. So here I am calling out to Ana to help me again and I am so deeply sorry for abandoning her and going back to hugeness. Now to humble myself and expose myself for all to see (not literally), time to offer up my measurements and hopefully by doing so will not fall back into my old fat ways. Now when I say fat I mean huge, massive, extra extra large and well you get my point. Well I use the metric system but I try to not be lazy and do the conversions for you. OK so I am in the obese category my BMI is 37.7. I am quite tall at 173 cms or 5 foot 9 inches. Now for the scary number my current weight is (instrumental music plays foreboding tune in background) 112.9 kgs or 248.9 pounds EEEEEK   I actually feel sick now. Ok other measurements are Bust = 121 cms (47.6 inches). Waist = 111 cms (43.7 inches). Hips = 131 cms (51.5 inches). Thighs = 76 cms (29.9 inches). Calves = 49 cms (19.2 inches). Upper Arms = 39 cms (15.4 inches). So in Australia I take a size 20 which according to online conversions is a size 16 or 1x in the States and an 18 in UK clothing. 
Ok so now all is out and I am now accountable to more than just myself time to start. I actually started 2 weeks ago and did well then my mother stayed with me and I had to eat so pretty much back where I started. Now mother is away for 6 weeks I can go hard and try and drop as much as possible. I'm going to do a salt water flush and start a  liquid fast on Saturday which is 2 days from now I will try to hold the fast as long as I can but my starting goal is 3 days then I will see how I feel, tomorrow I will just keep my calories under the 1000 mark. I look forward to giving updates.

Stay Strong Everyone.


P.S. Wish me luck.


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