Morning Lovelies,

Sorry I have been absent. House got sick. Also my partner is having a 10 day break. Thank god everything goes back to normal in 3 days. So I have this weird thing when I am sick. I go into total comfort eating mode and eat whatever I want. I think it stems to the emotional trauma from being a really sick kid always in and out of hospital. Anyway I ate like a fiend. Finally got a chance to weigh myself yesterday. Was terrified that I put heaps back on. So stepped on waited for it to flash the numbers at me and............... Only 900 gram gain wtf awesome. I mean a gain sucks but when I was expecting so much worse. Yesterday's intake wasn't great 840 calories in and burnt 245calories at the gym. Would have been worse except I threw up most of dinner. Not on purpose just happened. Also my boobs are so sore and I have had cramps. Kinda worried I might be pregnant but keep pushing that thought aside because just don't want to deal with it. 

Don't know how great intake will be this weekend we are going for a day trip tomorrow so not sure what I'll be eating (anxiety much?) but I will try and get sushi or salads. Will do heaps of walking tomorrow and back at gym Sunday so at least I won't be too dormant. No kids this weekend yay. So need it because ready to give teenager a well deserved smack in the mouth. Disrespectful little shit! 

Well my partner will be home soon so better go work out my intake for the day. Hope all you lovelies are well.

Much Love


  1. Hope you feel better soon! We need more energy to recover from sickness and injuries, maybe that could account for the less-than-expected gain?

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend! <3

    1. Thanks Bella,

      Had a lovely weekend with my boyfriend. Hope you had a nice weekend too.



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