Well progress hasn't been great. I have been consuming 1000-1200 calories last few days due to wine but out of wine so aiming for under 500 today. It is 3.30 pm and all I have had is 4 calories in diet lemonade. About to have a 85 calorie soup. Only lost 200 grams since the other day. Hoping for a decent drop on the scales tomorrow morning. Well been getting a good amount of study done which is a plus. So not ready for a weekend with my boyfriends kids but it is the price one pays when dating a dad. At least my son loves his kids and they have a great time, they are just so LOUD. Well one think that is rocking my world atm is Heinz squeeze and stir soups they are under 100 calories and quick to prepare just add water lol. Well going to do some study now. Stay good everyone.
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