OK been slack and haven't posted for the last few days. besides my lil slip the other night the minimal eating is going kinda well. Getting into a bad habit of binging and purging everynight, that has got to stop. so after my stuff up the other night I didn't lose anything but hell I did not gain so I am happy. other then that all I have lost is 1kg past 2 days. I do not know what it going on, my body is capablle of dropping so much more then this. I am averaging a pound a day. In the past 6 days I have only lost 2.5kgs shit shit shit. My party is in 4 days and I am still looking all bloaty and puffy.Going to drink nothing but green tea today since its a natural diuretic and some laxatives tonight. I really want to drop another 4.5 kgs in 4 days I gotta get drastic.
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