
Showing posts from September, 2012

On fire!

Well I managed to drop another 500 grams (aka as a pound). That brings me back to 50 pounds weight-loss so far. Well Uni today but no classes just study. God I am tired not sure why I did not have too late of a night. My body is telling me otherwise. Oh well my mother is back today. Goodbye freedom :(. Well I kinda slept in so better go get ready. JB xoxo My fave thinspo song atm!

Power Wow

Well holy heck lost another 500 grams since yesterday. My body is reacting so well love it!!!!. Have had such a nice weekend looking at thinspo and catching up on blogs. I miss these days. Not having to sneak around and hide. I miss living on my own place not sharing with my mother. Fucking hate this shit. Oh well I might have a boyfriend soon so I might as well get used to sneaking around and hiding my eating behaviours. Oh god my mother is back tomorrow damn it, I have so enjoyed her absence. I am 29 too old to be living with her I wish she would just sort her life out so she was not so damn dependent on me. The only reason I suggested we get a house together was because I felt guilty she had no where to go and could not afford her own place. Oh well I just need to suck it up. Well that is my whinge for now. JB xoxo

Smitten and distracted from life!

I lost 1kg since yesterday. Which is pretty amazing cos I had a huge binge/purge session last night so you know never sure if you get it all out. But clearly I did. Other then that it is a weekend of study and day dreaming about Mr Perfect (that is my nickname for the new guy) who incidentally told me the other night he really likes me yay!. Can't wait to meet in person. I am cold and I know I shouldn't but I might go sun bake for an hour. I am trying to lose as much weight and get as brown as I can before I meet him. Well might post again later as I am home alone for the weekend. :D JB xoxo
assWell I stupidly drank lots of wine last night and got the drunken munchies and ate half a loaf of bread. Stupid fat ass. Well Im heading home to crash this hangover is killing me. JB Xoxo

And so it begins.

Well today is the first exam for the semester and I won't lie I am packing it and feel like I am going to throw up. I am revising for a few hours then having lunch with a friend. I am only going to have salad and a diet coke. I am kicking arse on the diet been 800 calories and lower every day. I forgot to weigh myself today dammit oh well I'll do it tomorrow. Finally found my dress for my birthday and I have a lot of work to do to fit into it. It is an Australian size 12 and I am like a 18 atm. So four months to lose three dress sizes. That is doable right? I have hung the dress on my bedroom wall to keep me focused. On other news I have been chatting to this guy online and he seems perfect. The cynic in me cannot help but think there has got to be something wrong with him because he seems to good to be true. He is everything I want for a man. I am so scared I will get hurt. I am terrified that when we meet he will change his mind. He is going to look at me and think I don...