
Showing posts from January, 2013
OK been slack and haven't posted for the last few days. besides my lil slip the other night the minimal eating is going kinda well. Getting into a bad habit of binging and purging everynight, that has got to stop. so after my stuff up the other night I didn't lose anything but hell I did not gain so I am happy. other then that all I have lost is 1kg past 2 days. I do not know what it going on, my body is capablle of dropping so much more then this. I am averaging a pound a day. In the past 6 days I have only lost 2.5kgs shit shit shit. My party is in 4 days and I am still looking all bloaty and puffy.Going to drink nothing but green tea today since its a natural diuretic and some laxatives tonight. I really want to drop another 4.5 kgs in 4 days I gotta get drastic. JB xoxo
I am a fat failure. Today's calorie count is 1302 eurgh I disgust myself. I lost another 500grams since yesterday. Only 1kg in 3 days pretty pathetic for me. Don't think I will lose anything tomorrow. Probably gain :) . Well I am taking my hideous weak willed self to bed. JB xoxo
No weight change today which sucks but at least I did not gain. I am still motivated because I am sure I will see a drop on the scales tomorrow. I consumed just under 300 calories yesterday and today probably the same. Well this assignment is kicking my ass so better get back into it. JB xoxo

First post of 2013

Well it has been ages since I have been on here. Been totally off the rails with eating obviously. I ballooned my weight back up to 98.5kgs. I feel like a fat, fat loser. My mother is gone for a week so I am finally getting myself back on track. My party is in 10 days and I would dearly love to lose 10kgs but know it probably won't happen. But fuck it I am going to try to try my hardest. So what else has been happening well after spending more time with my ex I realised how much I missed him and that I wanted him back. I thought he wanted that too, but sadly not. I am sad and heartbroken. I feel empty in my heart but sadly not anywhere else. In fact I have been eating to try to feel up the emptyness but that just makes me feel worse. I am also angry at him. How can you tell someone you are still in love with them when you know you don't want to try again. Mixed messages or what. So now I am determined to lose weight and look fantastic and rub his nose in it. It is a shitty co...