OK well my official weight loss for November is 7.9 kgs.  Not ten like I'd hoped but all in all can't complain because I've had lots of slips.  Wish I could have lost another 100 grams.  I hate uneven numbers they do my head in.

Thank god work is only another 1 1/12 week til we break up for the Xmas break.  I have another job interview next weekend so hopefully I won't have to go back to this one after  the new year's.

Well that's  me going to go get ready for work and do a few other things before I start work.



  1. Congrats! I know it's not quite what you hoped for, but 7.9kg in a month is still an amazing achievement. Imagine what you could do in a year!

    Good luck with the job interview <3



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