So I was a good girl yesterday and lost 1 kg of my gain, 2 to go. I hope to be back in the 80's tomorrow. I hate eating and bingeing, waiting through the hunger until the stomach shrinks back down is horrible. Last week was so much easier barely eating. My mum is coming to stay next week from thursday until monday or tuesday god help me I will be busy thursday until sunday but theres still a day or two I can do damage. I do not know what it is but I eat stupidly when I am around family. I feel inadequate so I eat. Crazy though I am only the 2nd person in the whole family to go to uni and I am the family geek and go to girl for knowledge but still feel inadequate. Hoping to catch up with my bestie I haven't seen in a year. I miss her so much. Well shower time then a low cal soup while reading new moon and waiting for americas next top model to finish downloading. Night night lovely ladies. And a big thankyou to all the girls that comment on my posts, you are so precious!!!



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